ORDERNOW - Online Order Made Easy

Business owners can share their e-commerce QR code to customers for direct ordering. Publishing their shop or product link in social media is also a great way to direct customers to make payment in their web store. Leverage WhatsApp as platform to accept orders. 

See demo
Create your menu

Create your menu directly on our platform. Update anytime. Easy And Simple.

Ordering via chat

You will receive the order on your WhatsApp. Continue the chat and finalize order

Payment methods

Accept Cash on Deliver or get paid directly via payment link. 20+ payment methods available.

Jumpstart to ordering

Just create your menu, and next thing you know, is receiving orders on your phone via WhatsApp.

Views & orders analytics

Get detailed report about your orders and earning. Track your business as it grows with us..

Know your customers

You are creating a direct bound with your customers. Loyal customer, will know where to find you next time.

There is no simpler process

Ordering is easy as chatting with a friend

For Customers ordering

The customer can find the link to the menu of the shop on Social platforms, word of mouth via friend or if they scan the QR. After they make their order with the online menu, they are able to send the order directly to Shop's WhatsApp.

For Shop owners

The process starts when they hear a new message sound on their WhatsApp. They, or a trained bot can ask questions for details for order and delivery address. The shop can also inform how much time will take to deliver the order.


Experience the OrderNow ordering process

Scan the QR code to open the menu on your phone. You don't need an app. Make an order and send it on our demo WhatsApp. No, we will not deliver it to you :)

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